Role, Purpose and Direction

3/5 - Martyr Heretic​

You are resilient, adaptable and an agent for change. A main theme in your life is the trial-and-error process, discovering what does and does not work on the material plane. Your life is about experimentation and experiential investigation, adapting and refining as you go through a variety of experiences.

As a third-line personality, your learning entails bumping into things and people as if by chance. These so-called chance encounters provide you with the opportunities needed for your discovery process. You face personal and career challenges, because it’s natural for you to make and break bonds. But no matter what transpires, your secret in life is to stay with your process; you are not here to quit and give up because life is full of trial and error.

To be able to stay with the same thing instead of jumping from job to job, it is necessary to do work that is stimulating, and that continuously offers new things to do. In your personal life, you need relationships in which you have the opportunity to withdraw and have your own space, yet still feel comfortable in being able to re-engage and re-make the bond.

Once you apply strategy and authority and engage in what for you is a correct process, you show considerable resilience, determination and adaptability to move through the challenges life brings. Often, you may be surprised to encounter a situation that opens up a whole new way. Ultimately, you are here to master the material plane and come up with truly innovative concepts.

Inside a 3/5 lives an anarchist willing to tear things down and fix them. Through a practical, experiential process of learning from mistakes, a 3/5 either moves on or re-engages to find a way of making things work. Others project this capacity on you, and it takes quite some determination not to be deterred even when things go wrong, but to have the resolve to continue your explorations and fix things. You can then provide innovative solutions and guidance to create foundations for others to build on. Over time, your trial-and-error process will enhance the qualities of adaptation and resilience, and through your experiences you ultimately gather a wealth of experiential wisdom.

Type + Profile Synthesis — 3/5 Projector

Throughout your discovery, you will receive a variety of invitations, often out of the blue. It is essential to be clear in your response and only accept invitations that are valuable and right for you. Only when you are properly invited and ready to accept the invitation will the experience be valuable for you, regardless of the outcome. After all, this is your process of discovery, and learning through mistakes is an essential part – but only if the mistake was valuable and contributes to your overall experience of learning. Others will project that you are able to offer practical solutions, and for a projector to be recognized is essential. Otherwise, the accumulation of experiences entered into through following invitations that were not correct for you can leave you feeling bitter, with a sense that nothing truly works.

In relationships and within your work environment, it is important that others recognize your need for space, to give you the freedom to move through a variety of experiences so there is a continuum in your experience instead of the feeling that you are simply changing and moving on. This way you will receive the recognition that allows you to fulfill your purpose.

Incarnation Crosses

Right Angle Cross of Eden (11/12 | 6/36)

People who need to come to terms with life in the physical body and living in the physical reality of our world. There is a yearning underneath to return to the ideal state of being. They are often educators who teach others about the nature of experience, physical as well as emotional. They have a philosophical perspective about life and their own ideas and concepts about the world. They tend to point toward the experience of crisis and hardship that comes with earthly existence, often using the arts to communicate their philosophical musings.

Quarter: Quarter of Mutation

You were born in the Quarter of Mutation, with a theme of purpose fulfilled through Transformation. In this quarter we complete our journey, and you collect all that you have learned and experienced to get to a place where you can accept the process and purpose of being in life. Here we look to find meaning and truth, to experience the satisfaction of a life fully lived and to attain our full potential for transformation and awareness.

Nodal Polarities

Nodal Polarity — 40/37

Nodal Polarity — 64/63

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