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1988-12-16 · 3:14pm · Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States
Introduction to Profile | Role
Your Profile indicates your role in life so that your purpose (Incarnation Cross or Life’s Work) can reveal itself and make your life performance unique. Profile is a profound way Human Design differentiates you as a unique being, besides Aura Type.
When your Profile is seen in small groups and exercised in a way specific to your function within the Penta dynamics, you can see how vitally you contribute to its success.
3/5 – Martyr/Heretic
With a 3rd line Personality, mistakes are going to be made. This is a natural process for you and something that you can learn from. As a 3/5 you’ve got a deep sensitivity to having your reputation destroyed because you’re doing something incorrectly.
When you have a 5th Line you know there are expectations. Obviously, that places an enormous amount of pressure on you if you are going to enter into a Penta. You are going to be under more pressure than any of the other members of the Penta simply because you’re carrying that quality of the projection field. As a 5th line, if you enter into something that is not correct for you, it is going to be very difficult and your reputation is likely going to suffer.
A 3rd line Profile shows the material potential that is there within a process; it points to the material domain, the mundane plane, and is something that is absolutely essential for you to conquer. The thing about 3’s banging into things and making mistakes is that you are natural conquerors, the ones that get back up and keep on banging their head against things until they break through. So this Profile shows a material potential, and the way in which this process operates.
3’s needs to be trained. It requires patience, because as they train they will find things that can challenge others, for example a boss. But with training, they become the most proficient in whatever they're doing. They're here for the material plane.
The dilemma, particularly with 3/5s is they can suffer a lot from reputation loss. With the 5th line unconscious, you really need to understand that people expect a lot from you.
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