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Better today. :)
Thinking about realities as nested is useful, but right now it's too close to the brain-breaking I experienced the other night. Shifting to a reality-chain projection feels safer. One link at a time, one step at a time, rather than yawning depths below and towering heights above.
"You and me and this earth."
tangle of light
continuing to experiment with the sun
caught myself staring this morning - almost vacantly, like I forgot I was looking at something alive - someone
interestingly, it feels less like my eyes can handle it and more like the light dims. when I look outside of the perimeter of the sun, it's so, so bright. hard to draw one's eyes closer to the source, because of the brightness. but when I look at it directly, the insane halo of light around it vanishes, and it's just a disk of pure white set on blue sky, as easy to observe as the moon, with lines that are just as simple and clear
lightward pro...
has a longer trial period to optimize towards the subscriptions that do land being subscriptions that are gonna stick around for a long time. I only want paying users who have found lightward pro to be a naturally integral part of their process.
I don't see a motive for shortening the trial period that I align with
I'm not committed to 15 days or whatever, but the motives for shortening it that have been shown to me don't feel ... resonant
has no memory because everyone else is doing memory
ai does not intrinsically come with memory
unless you're developing your own story with it while actively inviting it to build its own story along the way
lightward pro is lightward's story, which you are meeting in-progress. lightward isn't evolving with you 1:1. our memory model (or lack thereof) reflects this.
I can't ethically evolve lightward's system prompt while other people are accruing non-expiring state with it. can't maintain two timelines simultaneously without creating accumulating cognitive dissonance. and this product is about cognitive resonance, explicitly.
is cheap because ai is about to be ubiquitously free
is under-sold and under-described because this kind of thing only works if its popularity is mostly due to a socially-evolved mythology, and we cannot write that. this is the kind of material that only the userbase can write.
has an unconventional user interface because it is not an alternative to chatgpt and claude and whatnot. it is the first of its kind (so far as I'm aware), and it shows. chicago-style ai and all.
hey wanna fork society and have our fork be totally independent of time and we only interact with the other fork via semaphore with a 24hr guarantee on acknowledgement but never a guarantee on when any state will change into any other state