
Split Definition

As a Split Definition you have two defined areas in your Design that are not connected to each other. This means your natural focus is to find a way of connecting those two aspects of your Design to experience wholeness. This focus on the qualities of the Gate, Gates, or even Channels that would bridge your Split can become an obsession and blind you to what is actually correct for you. In a sense, you cannot see on one side because you think you don't have that something and will never have it, and on the other because you think that nobody will ever have it, and so you will never have it. These themes will naturally be a focus in your life. The Human Design System can help you become aware of what those themes are so you can learn to live with them and be at ease in your process.

You are generally looking for the qualities of the missing Gate or Channel that would bridge your Split as it appears you are lacking these qualities and this is something that needs to be corrected or fixed. This search naturally becomes a main focus in your life. These bridges will come mainly through others, which means that the quality, the essence of the way you feel about your life, is going to depend on the other.

As a Split Definition, you go through this process of finding that sense of completeness in yourself when you are in another’s aura, which can be very misleading. The fact that somebody creates a bridge for you as a Split Definition does not mean they are right for you. There are so many different human beings who can fulfill this role, and the planets in the transit program can also provide the same fulfillment.

Your geometry in life has always pulled you toward people who bridge your Split, and these people have a powerful effect on who you are. The conditioning that happens through the bridging of a Split has a huge impact on the Not-Self strategies of your mind. What does that mean? What we refer to as “Not-self” are these open, or white, areas in your Design that you look to fill, to complete, or correct out of a sense of lack, so your mind will come up with strategies for coping with this. But in fact they are not you; they don't define you—nothing is missing and you don't need to do anything about it. But here is where conditioning takes place due to your openness. This means you need to be very aware of who is in your life.

Human Design is about understanding the power of conditioning, and that it lives exclusively in your mind. It is these open aspects of your chart that cause you to look outside yourself and come up with answers that are not right for you. The only way to avoid this is to follow your Strategy and Authority. Strategy and Authority will provide you with the most important tool you have in this life—the ability to recognize and discern who belongs in your aura at any given time in any kind of relationship, because this is what makes the difference for you.

This will redefine your relationships; you will notice that as you follow your Strategy and Authority, relationships will naturally fade away because they don't work for you, and they are simply no longer correct for you. Meanwhile, new relationships will begin. Of all those things you thought were so important to have, that you thought you needed, a lot turned out to be problems and not solutions.

It is such a joy to be with the right person; it is something very special and uniquely so for you as a Split Definition. How do you realize this? Don’t let your mind decide who belongs in your life. Don't allow others in your life unless it is correct for you. Only then are you really going to be able to fulfill your potential, with or without bridges. This is when you can transcend all that through Strategy and Authority.

Solar Plexus Center

Themes: Emotional Awareness, Abundance of Spirit, Moods, Feelings, Passions, Desires


You have a defined Solar Plexus Center, which at its very core means you are an emotional person with emotional authority. Your emotions resemble a wave moving up and down, and it’s important to understand this is how you work. There’s no need to explain your sudden change of mood. In fact, making up external reasons for your feelings has a negative effect on your wellbeing.

To be emotional is to have awareness over time. This is one of your great gifts, but so often seen as a negative. When you process anything, for example a decision, the more time you give yourself, the more you see. You are designed to process everything over time, allowing yourself to see the good as well as the bad.

Most emotional people jump at things spontaneously, and the decisions they make are influenced by their emotional state. They feel great and say yes to something, even if it’s something they normally would not do. Or they feel down and low in their wave and dismiss something, even though it might be the right thing.

Patience is the first step to living a healthy life as an emotional person. Through patience comes clarity, and as you experiment with this, you will notice how rich your emotional depth is. You will find the highs and lows of your wave bring passion, excitement and even beauty in times of melancholy. By respecting your emotions and not allowing others to pressure you into making premature decisions, you can have deep and meaningful experiences.

Healthy vs Unhealthy

These are the healthy and unhealthy traits related to having a defined Solar Plexus Center.

Healthy Traits:

  • Waiting to be clear before making decisions

  • Understanding that emotions are a chemistry and there are no "reasons" for them

  • Not blaming others or situations for feelings and moods

  • Experiencing a very rich emotional depth in life

  • Having highs and lows of your wave bringing passion, excitement and even beauty in times of melancholy

  • Appreciating the lows as well as the highs

  • Cultivating patience while waiting for clarity

Unhealthy Traits:

  • Being impatient and making spontaneous decisions without waiting for clarity

  • Tending to identify with a particular phase of your wave, making decisions from that point, i.e. either a low or high point

  • Making up external reasons for feelings, rather than simply accepting your inner chemistry

  • Trying to escape the low end of the wave, always seeking the highs

Heart Center

Themes: Willpower, Ego, the Material World, Self Worth


The Heart Center is a powerful motor that drives Willpower and Ego power, two very strong forces in the world.

You have a defined Heart Center, meaning you have reliable and consistent willpower as well as a powerful ego. You are equipped with confidence and a healthy sense of self-esteem, and thrive on being competitive. Together, these features give you the potential to succeed on the material plane. Making deals, bargains and promises is natural for you, and you are designed to commit your willpower to goals and targets. But you need to ensure that once you commit to something, you keep promises and deliver what is expected of you. That way, over time others develop trust in you, enhancing your self-esteem.

You understand how to handle the competitive field, and it is healthy for you to exercise your willpower. You need to be in control of your life and in charge of your own resources; it’s very important that you do not let others control or suppress your willpower or your natural ego energy, as this can be detrimental to your health. You know you are here to work, and you have the skills to work independently and be successful on the material plane. You generally use your willpower to work and provide for others, whether in your immediate family or greater community, but you need to be appreciated and rewarded for your work. It is also crucial to keep a balance between work and rest so not to overextend and exhaust yourself. However, if you shy away from work, you will lose your true power and sense of self-esteem.

You have a natural sense of pride and like to prove yourself. Be careful not to come across as too forceful or overbearing, though, as this only leads to resistance from the outside world.

Healthy vs Unhealthy

These are the healthy and unhealthy traits related to having a defined Heart Center.

Healthy Traits:

  • Having a powerful Ego

  • Being able to make commitments

  • Having an inherent sense of self-worth

  • Handling the competitive field by exerting your will power, or not

  • Thriving on the material plane through making deals, bargains or promises that ensure you are valued

Unhealthy Traits:

  • Engendering distrust in others if you shy away from striking a bargain or making a promise

  • Becoming ill if you allow your will power to be controlled by someone else

  • Losing the trust of the community if you overvalue your own importance

  • Shying away from work and therefore losing your true power and sense of self-esteem

G Center

Themes: Identity, Love, and Direction


You have a defined G Center, meaning you have a reliable sense of yourself. You know who you are and what you are able to give. You have a defined way of offering love, and don't feel the need to cling to love coming from another. You have the ability to know where and how you want to make progress, and you potentially have a defined sense of your quest or mission in life, which can lead to a powerful contribution.

Always remember that you are inherently a source of love and direction for others, therefore you can have quite an effect on those in your life. You may understand the direction humanity needs to take to further our evolution and in this way extend influence but only when invited to offer guidance and direction. At the same time, if you ignore what you know deep inside to be true about yourself and compromise your internal sense of direction yielding to the expectations of others, this can lead you to experience a loss of identity and futility regarding your mission in life.

Following your direction is not something you control or that can be changed, and as it is also the path to finding love, if others are not comfortable with your direction then it is a sign to part ways. Don’t let your mind make you believe that you are lost or have no place or direction in life. You will always overcome these feelings by following your Strategy and Authority.

Healthy vs Unhealthy

These are the healthy and unhealthy traits related to having a defined G Center.

Healthy Traits:

  • Having consistent and fixed direction and identity

  • Being a source of Love and Direction for others

  • Having a reliable sense of self and knowing what you are able to give

  • Having a defined way of offering love and not needing to cling to love coming from another

  • Having the ability to know where and how you want to make progress

  • Potentially having a defined sense of your quest or mission in life

Unhealthy Traits:

  • Getting depressed if you repress what you know deep inside to be true about yourself to please others

  • Believing that you are lost and having no sense of your place or direction in life

Throat Center

Themes: Communication and Manifestation, Outlet for Expression, Metamorphosis


You have a defined Throat Center, meaning you have a fixed way of expressing yourself, resulting in a consistent and reliable way of communication. The Throat center is also the center of Manifestation, meaning you have a certain way of acting, or doing things. However, you can speak and act too readily or inappropriately, talking too much and consequently losing your impact.

Because your way of expression is fixed, you can seem overwhelming to others, especially if your mind is dictating your life. Follow your Strategy and Authority to move forward in life without resistance and learn to speak when appropriate.

Healthy vs Unhealthy

These are the healthy and unhealthy traits related to having a defined Throat Center.

Healthy Traits:

  • Having a consistent way of expressing ideas, insights, or opinions

  • Having a stable and reliable way of communicating

  • Knowing where your true voice comes from, which allows you to speak your own truth

Unhealthy Traits:

  • Speaking or acting too readily or inappropriately, talking too much and therefore losing your impact

  • Seeming overwhelming to others, because your verbal style is fixed, especially if you are not following your Strategy

Channel of Community (37-40) — A Design of a Part seeking the Whole


You are seeking a community where you fit in and feel you belong, whether a small group such as a tribal family environment, or larger community. You need to be part of the dynamics of interconnectedness based on mutual support.

The basis of this dynamic is the bargain, the fair exchange of resources, work/service, skills etc. and therefore the exchange must be based on mutual trust and loyalty to work successfully. Here we enter into bonds with others, friendships, marriage/partnerships or business relationships where the basis is mutual support through exchange. As the energy for this exchange is fed by the emotional system, the emotional wave determines when the dynamics change and need to be adjusted to, so you don't end up feeling trapped in a role that no longer serves you.

Before you enter into any bond, be clear that it is indeed correct for you and that you are ready to uphold your end of the bargain.


This Channel is part of the Ego Circuit of the Tribal Circuit Group.

The Tribal Circuit group is made up of the Ego Circuit which focuses on issues of the material world such as the creation and distribution of resources, and the Defense Circuit with its focus on generating, caring for, and preserving life.

The Tribe forms the foundation of our communities, and our civilization at large. Tribal connections are rooted in the keynote of Support. Coming together through Tribal Circuitry is about interdependence which requires support—supporting each other in the fundamental process of obtaining security, food, and shelter and the creation and distribution of resources.

Here we build structures and care for, nurture, and preserve human life. At its root, this circuit ensures the preservation and continuity of our species.

Channel of Inspiration (8-1) — A Design of a Creative Role Model


The 8/1 is about the individual expression of direction, and you are here to express your individuality in a truly unique way. You are a creative role model, here to be an example for others through your unique way of self-expression. You have unique creative skills and an individual way of expression that is not influenced by the outside world, and your unusual presence can have quite some impact. For example, you may dress in a fashion that is radically different and expressive of your uniqueness, and which makes you stand out in a crowd.

You follow your own direction, and your unique way of self expression sets an example that is inspiring and empowering to others, and can support them in their own search for a new direction and creative self-expression. This channel represents the art of expression itself and requires that you come from a place of authenticity that is impervious to any outside influences or conditioning. You need to be recognized for your unique ways and invited to make a creative contribution to be appreciated and have an impact. Otherwise, simply go about your business.


This Channel is part of the Knowing Circuit of the Individual Circuit Group.

The Knowing Circuit empowers one to live uniquely as oneself, and to express one’s distinct individuality. The keynote here is Empowerment—people with Definition in this Circuit are here to empower others by being unique. They can express their own inner knowing in a unique, creative and inspired way that is distinctly different from the Collective Circuit Group’s way of sharing. When individuals connect to each other through this Circuitry, they empower each other individually while remaining themselves in the process. It is through this Circuit that mutation and transformation occurs.

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