
Environmental Groups: Hardscape or Landscape

Environments are either hardscape or landscape. Your environmental variable identifies a unique lifestyle and path, not one particular location, but movement through a series of places in life with a specific resonance that suits your body’s frequency. Remember, where you go, what you do, and who you are with, are inner authority decisions. The resonant environment provides feedback on your navigation on a moment by moment basis.

Regardless of whether your variable is one of hardscape or landscape, all environmental variables have equal potential for enhancing the longevity and wellbeing of the body, and alignment to a unique path where your relationships, work, and experiences support the development of your perspective of life.

Your Group is Landscape: Landscape environments are modern adaptations since 1781, how our diffused environments are evolving towards the future, the relaxation found in the tamed natural world, with social distance being the ultimate luxury. Living, working, or recreational places where the outdoor space is an integral part of the experience are all examples of the landscape. Landscape environments manipulate the frequency in the circumstances of the larger area that surrounds where we live: the mountain view, the integrative valley, the transitional shores.

Your Environment: Valleys | Color 5

The valley environment is not about literally living down in a valley but refers to low level grounds. The frequency of the valley environment is one of integration. Valley environments, with their intrinsic felt sense of integration, can have narrow or wide spectrums of sound. Situations where you do not have an internal sense of integration, where there is a low level of sound, can be challenging for your body’s wellbeing. Feeling a sense of internal integration is an essential part of this environment and enhances your body's longevity. It is where you discover your path in life.

Historically, low elevation river valleys were our communication superhighways, with the movement of people, trade, and information up and down the river, town to town. Valley environments bring together people from different places, backgrounds, and activities, and create spaces filled with diversity and inclusive conversations. A busy bus stop, government bureaus, or city parks can be environments that you move through daily, where there is an internal felt sense of integration. In your home, ensure that you have ground floor spaces with a diversity of sounds and communication, where you have a sense of integration.

Beginning a valley environment experiment is an inner authority decision. Not every ground-level space will be correct for you, only where the sounds and integrative communication resonates with you. By observing your internal frequency as your body experiences different valley environments, you can sense what feels just right to your body.

Passive Body | Right-Oriented Environment

Right-oriented environments are trajectories where the body is inactive rather than busy, and a passive observer of the action. It is a lifestyle where you engage with others and the world around you as a spectator, being receptive to what goes on around you.

Example: People who listen to music through streaming or attending concerts rather than making music.

Your Environment: Wide Valleys | Right-Oriented Relaxed Lifestyle

Wide Valleys are relaxed, sensitive-to-change environmental variables. It is a process to recognize what spaces feel internally integrative to your body, and you may experience changes in sensitivity to sounds. Your wide acoustical environment, where you can be a passive observer of the communication experience at ground level, is your inner authority decision. How you organize your home in terms of communication and acoustics, and your body's sense of internal integration is your experiment with recognizing your internal frequency. It is essential to notice in your space when you no longer feel an integrative experience taking place, and what has changed, or who has entered.

In your living or working space, experimenting with the acoustics and arrangement towards communication can enhance and help you develop your awareness. Acoustic changes can be as small as diffusing the sound with earplugs or noise-canceling headphones, creating spaces online or in your home for observing communication, or moving your bedroom downstairs where there is diffused sound. Walking through the crossroads at ground level, in the vast, diverse river basin of your city, where you can observe people meeting and conversing, is an essential part of your environmental exploration.

Spaces that involve a diversity of communication such as terminals, convention halls, business parks, international symposiums, outdoor festivals, or a friend’s house, all require your experimentation. Does listening to the sounds of a busy café feel more relaxing than a quiet library? Do you feel more comfortable relaxing with friends at home or going out to a restaurant on the plaza? Does it genuinely feel pleasant to your body to work where multiple conversations are going on around you? Watch a music festival streaming online, or go to an outdoor concert?

All wide valleys environments support right-oriented relaxed lifestyles. You have a design for being passive in your wide valley space, and your correct environment supports a healthy level of relaxed observation of the action around you. Each person's activity level is individual, depending upon type and design.

In general, your life path is where you are a relaxed audience to the action around you rather than an active participant. Work, home life, and recreation are all places where you can be relaxed and engage in observation. Group conversations or spectator activities may be comfortable in a relaxed lifestyle. Awareness of where the body is relaxed and feel internal integration is critical to the body’s longevity, and the recognition of your path in life. Everywhere you go, whatever is taking place, practice recognizing your internal sense of integration in the spaces where you observe communication. Begin to notice your inner experience of your passive observation of activity around you. Can you extend this sense of relaxed integration in your environment to other areas of your life?

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