Penta Gates

Penta Gate 14 — Capacity

If you’re looking for a material gate in the traditional I’Ching you will not find a more material gate. This whole obsession with the wagon and whether the wagon is going to be full or not; this deep materialism. And you’ll notice, it’s not a bank vault, it is this motion mechanism. It is this thing in motion—the wagon in motion, the wagon with all the goods. This is the 14; when the 14th gate is present this gives you the basis to have a successful operation in any Penta configuration. This means that there are going to be the resources, or the ability to tap into the resources in one way or another. That’s what Capacity is all about.

If you have the 14, it doesn’t mean that you’re the person responsible for bringing in the money. That isn’t necessarily your job; it is what you bring to the Penta and the Penta will find its resource, in that sense, in the way in which the Penta operates. The 14 is the ultimate hook-in in the auric sacral energy, or the auric sacral field. It is the thing that drives the Penta direction, and in that sense aligns the magnetic pull of the Penta, this fusion pull that pulls the resources in.

So, that energetic field of the 14, this is the resource base; it is the heart and core of resources. It is the ability for resources to be present. To have the activity of the 14th gate in a Penta is the assurance that the energy is going to be there. You can translate energy into money, having the resources, or into hours of additional work, and so forth. So there is this enormous potential for resources, for the flow of resources.

So this is the energetic capacity that is there. And what is going to be really important for you, is going to make a difference in your life, is when you finally have a vision of where you can go and what you can do. But having a vision (Gate 2) is essential because without the 2, it’s a lot of potential with nowhere to go. And it’s something that’s got to come to you. It’s something that you have got to be invited into that catches your eye, that gets you finally. Because it’s not something you have yourself, so you're looking for and staying open to somebody bringing the vision.

Penta Gate 7 — Planning

Gate 7 is a role gate, it is the gate of the role of the self in interaction. In a Penta, roles need to be clearly defined in order for a business to have a future. So clearly defined roles are absolutely essential to demonstrate a Penta's ability to operate successfully into the future. Gate 7 opens up the potential to have a business where you can plan into the future, where you can see the expansion in particular roles.

Planning is something that is absolutely essential to a business. If you don't have plans, if you don't have Gate 7, you walk into a Penta where they don't have any plans. They will be concerned with survival. Will we be able to open the doors tomorrow? And you can't have a plan until you have an active fixed role. You need to have the roles and without the roles, you're not going to be able to administrate the business.

So all of that is wonderful given that everybody fulfills the potential of their role. And roles become so important. Think about what that means in terms of a small business. You walk into a situation where you have three people that are planning, they haven’t done anything yet, and they’re planning to open up a small enterprise together.

One of the things about the limitations of a small business is that there is a confusion automatically of roles—who does what and who doesn’t do what. This is one of the most important things to grasp about a healthy Penta. In order to have a functional Penta, this defining of roles is very important.

Penta Gate 1 — Implementation

Implementation—it takes huge energy to implement public relations. This is a very important element to making money. And then we see that we have to have the vision (gate 2); in other words, that the way that the resources are utilized, that the capital of the business has to be invested not only in the business, but in the vision—we have to have a vision of where the business can go.

And then you move to the 1st gate and the 1st gate implements this. So think about it, you can have the 2/14, but you don't have the 1. So you've got this great vision about where the money should go, but it doesn't get spent. It just doesn't get spent. It goes out in the normal way of whatever the expenses of the business are going to be, but it really doesn't get spent on what it's supposed to be spent on.

The reality is that without the implementation, you're just going to throw the money down the drain and you're not going to get implemented what is necessary. In other words, what this implementation is about, is about the full capacity and vision put into creative action. And I say creative because in fact, this is the potential.

Everything about the ability of the Penta to have influence and to be successful is that it needs to be able to present the implementation of the capacity and vision, so that it can be visible.

Penta Gate 8 — Public Relations

Public relations is many things. Public relations is everything from the behavior of the Penta when it is dealing with outsiders, with those that are suppliers, to those that are customers. It has to do with the way in which the Penta communicates with the outside world, the way it communicates to clients, the way it presents itself in marketing, the way it presents itself in advertising, all of this is in the 8th gate.

This is about any way in which the Penta interacts with the world, including customer service. The 8 is a major factor in a business- maintaining presence, showing the best face to the world, etc. This affects the penta’s ability to create the correct persona.

Gate 8 is the dominant face of the Penta. Gate 8 is about the reputation of the business. It wants everybody to see only what it wants to sell. This is public relations. The thing to understand about the 8th gate is that it is about seeing what it needs to see. In that way it thinks it can get other people to look at what it wants them to see.

In other words, this is a way of looking at a process in an organization and basically coming up with a sound byte. Coming up with a marketing logo, or coming up with a marketing spiel that sort of condenses or compresses all the various things involved in the process into something that’s sellable, and then the ability to attract the recognition from the outside. Now, the ability to attract it doesn’t mean it’s going to be successful. It’s like anything else. But if you don’t attract anybody you don’t have a chance.

This also shows the creative potential in an organization. Not to be creative in what the organization intrinsically does, but to be creative in the way in which the value of the organization’s work can be presented to others. And obviously that’s something of value.

So Gate 8 is about the reputation of the business, the way the business is going to be perceived by others. More than that, it’s the way in which the perception of others is honed in to be a propaganda agent for the Penta. This is about the need to integrate, in that sense, to be able to assimilate at the highest level. Because for the Penta to be able to operate correctly in how it presents itself is so important.

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