
Gate 11 — Peace — The Gate of Ideas

A harmonic condition in the individual or society that permits assessment before renewed action.


This Gate is about exploring ideas, and the need to be stimulated through ideas that can be shared with others. You look to make sense of the past, and depending on the way you remember and process past experiences, you conceptualize ideas that can turn into ideals and the formation of belief systems.

Keep in mind that ideas come and go, and this process is about reflection and the possibility for inspiration. These ideas cannot be used as guidelines for your own life process; this can only lead to confusion and disappointment. Ideas are to be shared with others, to serve as inspiration for their own process.

Gate 12 — Standstill — The Gate of Caution

The quality of restraint and the importance of meditation and inaction in confronting temptation.


You have a unique way of expressing yourself and can be very articulate when in the right mood. You naturally exercise restraint and are cautious about the way you express your views as you are intent on being understood by others.

Your unique perceptions, if expressed at the right moment and when in the right mood, can have a profound and transformative impact on others. It is also through your tone and the frequency behind your words that you creatively express yourself, not merely through the words themselves.

Art is a good medium for you, such as the use of poetry or music to translate your perceptions. With the right timing you have the potential to greatly impact cultural norms and our ways of interaction. If the mood is not there, most likely you will not be heard. This is also a gate of silence, and you greatly benefit from stillness and contemplation to let your message mature.

Gate 25 — Innocence — The Gate of the Spirit of the Self

The perfection of action through uncontrived and spontaneous nature.


Here we find the quality of impersonal or universal love, a love that naturally and unconditionally flows toward all life. This quality is not personal or emotional but the indiscriminate love for all living things, and expresses as surrender to one’s own Self.

In essence, the quality of uncontrived nature is grounded in the spirit of your Self. There is a mystical quality to this love that engages you in challenging experiences to test the innocence of your spirit, and it is this innocence that is your ‘shield of protection’ whenever your inherent warrior’s spirit is called out to compete and transcend the limitations of the mundane world.

This is the spiritual warrior ready to take on challenges that come with Initiation, to stretch beyond the limits of what is known and comfortable. With each step, the innocence and beauty of your spirit is realized and enriched, and deep wisdom found that can empower others on their journey.

Gate 37 — The Family — The Gate of Friendship

The manifestation macro- and micro-cosmically of the organic nature of communities.


This is the most communal gate in the Bodygraph; people with this gate show a natural warmth and openness toward others. With your friendly and engaging nature, you can hold a family or community structure together, bonded in mutual support. Your role is to ensure that harmony and mutual support are maintained. Your orientation is toward emotional connection with others, and your sensitivity easily perceives whether others are open. Others look to you to present their organization, cause or anything that needs to reach out toward others as your natural warmth easily engages others.

Your bonds with others, whether in a family structure or larger organization, are built on a bargain with your role as the distributor of assets or services. This exchange depends on your emotional wave and it is crucial that you take time before entering into any bond, such as marriage etc., where loyalty and support form the basis. You need to keep adjusting to the changing dynamics of a relationship and your role in it to avoid feeling trapped.

Gate 40 — Deliverance — The Gate of Aloneness

The point of transition between struggle and liberation.


Here we find a love of work, and you have the willpower to work long and hard. You naturally take on the role of provider within a tribal or communal structure, and to contribute to or look after the needs of those within your family or community. At the same time, you need sufficient rest, as your ability to work depends on your willpower, which can only take you so far.

You need time alone, to be able to step away for certain periods from the dynamics of interdependence that form the communal structure you are part of. Be sure to maintain healthy boundaries and to get the rest and time alone you need to recuperate. To successfully sustain the role of provider, it is vital that you are part of a healthy dynamic structure with those who depend on you, and that your work is satisfactory and appreciated by others. This is the basis of the bargain; your willingness to provide depends on the loyalty, appreciation and support of those you provide for.

Gate 10 — Treading — The Gate of the Behaviour of the Self

The underlying code of behaviour which ensures successful interaction despite circumstances.


You are here to express what it means to live uniquely as yourself, which ultimately expresses itself as self-love. The 10th Gate is the Gate of the love of oneself; you have a particular role (of behavior), which when you surrender to it, expresses authentically as yourself. The way this is expressed is through one of the six roles of behavior, guided by your intuition if connected to Gate 57, empowered by your Sacral if connected to Gate 34, or expressed as your unique voice through Gate 20.

With this Gate you have a natural sense of how to behave as yourself, no matter where you find yourself or who you are with. You also have a keen sense of how others behave, which can almost lead to a sense of embarrassment when someone is behaving in a way you consider incorrect. As you develop self-love through accepting and loving what makes you unique, you in turn empower others to find self-love. This is a very important aspect of humanity's development as true awakening can only happen through self-love, being surrendered and committed to living life as oneself.

When following your Strategy and Authority, this Gate empowers your potential to live authentically as yourself. As you express your unique behavior, you naturally encourage others to be themselves as well. This is ultimately a commitment to being authentic through acceptance and love of oneself.

Gate 14 — Possession in great measure — The Gate of Power Skills

The accumulation and retention of power through skilled interaction, coupling grace with control.


This is a deeply material gate that supplies the entire energy for the 'material way.' This is about having access to resources and material wealth, and the power and skill to distribute and direct resources in a way that supports our need for change and mutation so we can survive as a species. Inherent here is the power to follow one’s unique direction in life, which ultimately benefits the direction of the whole.

This gate empowers oneself as well as others towards investing resources that keep us evolving and expanding. You have immense energy available for any endeavor and task that you enjoy, and if aligned with your path, you are capable of generating substantial resources not only for personal gain but to be distributed so that change is possible and our direction maintained.

You have the skill and power to release resources in a way that supports mutation and ensures we continue in the right direction.

Gate 21 — Biting Through — The Gate of the Hunter/Huntress

The justified and necessary use of power in overcoming deliberate and persistent interference.


You need to be in control of your own affairs and your territory, and to be given the responsibilities within your domain. This gate represents a strong force on the material plane and you need to ensure that you are in charge of your own resources and fundamental aspects of life, such as where you live, what you wear, how you make a living, etc.

You deeply resent being told what to do and would rather 'bite through' the conditioning forces of the material plane to exercise a measure of independence and control. It is essential, though, that you follow your strategy and authority so as not to encounter others’ resistance if you try to assume power or control over those around you, which you may feel compelled to do.

Ultimately, your purpose lies in serving the needs of others as much your own, and what benefits you will also benefit them.

Gate 8 — Holding Together — The Gate of Contribution

The basic worth realized in contributing individual efforts to group goals.


With Gate 8 defined in your chart, you carry the need to contribute something unique to the collective. This can manifest in various different creative ways, from demonstrating a truly individual lifestyle to being involved in any kind of artistic project. You need to attract the attention of others to make a contribution in your unique way, which will ultimately create an identity for you. This can also happen through empowering the creative potential of others, people who connect to you through Gate 1 at the other end.

You are attracted to unique and innovative ways of expression and can be a major force in helping these energies to manifest, such as working in the field of creative arts where you can contribute by promoting others who carry creative potential. You are drawn to what is new and innovative and contribute through calling the attention of others to what you see carries potential mutation, something that can change the direction of the collective. This is your way of quietly impacting the world around you. Unless you carry Gate 1 in your chart (creative expression), your role is to recognize the creative potential of the other and promote the new and mutative potential.

Gate 58 — The Joyous — The Gate of Vitality

Stimulation is the key to joy.


You have a zest for life, and derive great joy and pleasure from being alive and in this world. Your appreciation for the beauty and wonder of life drives you to contribute your energy toward improving any condition that keeps our society from experiencing well-being and satisfaction while we move into the future. You bring a vitality to life that is fundamental to your way of being in the world.

This gate carries the fuel to correct and to challenge, to provide the energy needed to ensure humanity’s safe progress. You provide the energy to challenge conditions and patterns that need to be improved, to adjust things that are out of balance. When your energy is focused and channeled in the right direction, you can contribute things of lasting value to the collective.

Gate 1 — The Creative — The Gate of Self-Expression

Creation as a primal force. The energy potential to manifest inspiration without limitation.


Gate 1 is the drive to express oneself in a unique and creative way. You feel a deep need to express your individuality in a way that is truly authentic, a dominant theme for you. You have the ability to focus deeply on your own creative process, and while you demand attention, you remain unconcerned with opinions and ideas of the world around you.

The Collective with its established rules does not impact you, or how you express yourself. Expressing your unique authentic being is rooted in taking your own direction. This has great impact on others, and as you demonstrate new ways of expression, you may be an example to others and even inspire them to take new directions.

For your creative expression to be acknowledged, you need to interact with those who recognize your potential. You feel attracted to people who carry Gate 8 at the other end of the Channel as they can help you exteriorize your work. This way you can become a role model for others and truly impact the collective with your creative work.

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