Profit Centers & Money Lines

Profit Centers

Profit Centers in your Human Design chart are areas of potential wisdom about life and the world around you that indicate where and what you can easily be sold on, and in turn, how you can also sell to others. These areas highlight your profit potential and the best ways to sell your offerings for maximum profitability.

Money Lines

Money Lines in Human Design are ways you either unconsciously (Design) or consciously (Personality) resonate to making money, enabling you to attract others to what you specifically offer. Money Lines are the most material of all the lines, thriving on adaptability, resilience, and the experience gained through navigating life's lessons. Understanding your Money Lines helps you align your entrepreneurial efforts with your prosperity imprint, ensuring you leverage your genetic code effectively.

3rd Line Profile

In Human Design, the “3rd Line Profile” (1/3, 3/5, 3/6, 6/3) refers to someone who resonates with all other 3rd Line activations, which focus on learning through trial and error, experimentation, and experience.

This means that you learn best by doing, and often the road to success is paved with "failure" because you are born to make “mistakes" to fully comprehend a situation. This unique dynamic enhances your ability to leverage money lines for financial success and stability.

Profit Center — Head — Selling Inspiration

The Head Center is one of the two main Profit Centers. At the Head Center, we’re selling inspiration. “We’re going to give you what you need. We’re going to show you the past, offer you the future, ponder the unknowable.” This is what sells; inspiration sells. And why? Around 70% of humanity has an open Head Center and is wandering around trying to find inspiration, and trying to do something with it.

The real advantage of the Head Center as a marketing environment is that this is a deep pressure, that being overtaxed is a deep pressure (64), being unable to establish truth is a deep pressure (61). Being uncertain and doubtful of the future is a deep pressure (63), and being insecure about your place in the process is a deep pressure.

Money Line 64 — Overextension

The wisdom to recognize when one has not the necessary resources to complete transition. Such timely awareness may give it a chance to seek assistance.

Think about the trial and error discovery where you discover that people are overextending themselves, and don’t need to. How can you inspire them? That overextension is about recognizing, based on the past, that in order to be successful financially you’re going to need assistance, that you don’t have the resources based on the past to do things alone. Just because you’ve been working at this job, and that’s your past, doesn’t mean you really know what’s possible for you. There are all kinds of applications of that 3rd Line theme.

One of the things to recognize about the material way is that everyone needs assistance; otherwise, we would have no legitimacy in consultancy. It’s built into us, that on our own—because these are personal thematics for the material way—we’re always overextended. That’s why we need tax accountants to help us to make our way through the maze of taxation. That’s why we need consultants to help us refine our business strategies, and so forth.

The keynote here is to be attuned to overextension. If you have an inspiration—how can I keep people from being overextended? How can I show people that they don’t have enough resources based on past history? How can I inspire them to see they can only benefit from their relationship with others? How can I inspire them to the kind of assistance they need in order to be successful?

This is about sharing inspiration on how to answer the question of how I can stop being overextended and not to go overboard. How can I stop working so hard for so little? How can I stop being inefficient?

What needs to be shared is that you need assistance; it’s very important. Without that assistance, you’re always going to be overtaxed and overstrained. You’re not going to be able to carry the burden alone. That’s why even in our hunter/ gatherer phase, we worked together, it was more productive.

One of the things to understand is whether you are purely entrepreneurial in spirit or not, there is no way to inspire others on your own; you will be overtaxed, it won’t work. You need assistance.

Money Line 63 — Continuance

The dedication to the new beginning that insists on maintaining its achieved principles despite having to interact with those who have not attained such a state.

This is about the future, and having doubts about the future. So here we want to inspire people to get rid of their doubt.

The material way is purely hierarchical. Continuance, continuity, in that sense, is maintained from the top, not from the bottom because the bottom rarely has the whole picture that the top has. They have aspects of the perspective. Their aspects are valuable in that perspective, but they themselves don’t bring the continuity. In other words, if you’re going to run a business, it’s run from the top; it’s not run from the bottom. It’s so important to grasp this.

It’s about continuity, there is a shift from the other side (Gate 64). The past says to you that even though you’re at the top, you need help. The future says that you stay on the top, because that’s the only thing that’s going to keep this moving. So, this is very important to understand about your material success. This is about showing others that they can maintain their status in an evolutionary environment, and that they can have continuity and success.

Profit Center — Ajna — Selling Concepts

This is where we’re trying to sell a concept; around 50% of humanity is open to concepts. This is basically about intellectual training systems. People with open minds are naturally attracted to all kinds of educational training.

When we're dealing with the not-self open Ajna Center, what that not-self is all about is pretending to be certain. People with open minds are always pretending to be certain because they don't want to be embarrassed, they don't want to be found out, they don't want to be ashamed. They don't want to live with anxiety. So, they pretend that they are certain about things and in that way, everybody leaves them alone.

Basically, when looking at the Ajna Center what we are selling is certainty. “Read my book and you'll be certain. Read this manual and you'll be certain. Let me sell you certainty so you'll be certain.” This is one of the great pitches of all time to the Ajna Center.

Money Line 11 — The Realist

A harmonic condition of the individual or society that permits assessment before renewed action. I love that: Peace, selling harmony. If you're Abstract you can't sell the truth. You can sell a story, you can sell harmony. Many people will go into certain kinds of experiences and it doesn’t matter to them whether the experience itself brings them to any particular expectation that was set up. But they enjoy the harmony of being in that experience with others.

It's like if I'm really stupid in doing this thing, at least I'm with them. We're all stupid together and we can enjoy each other and really find inner peace. Ideas are such a vicious thing. This is the Gate of white magic. The 48 is the Gate of black magic. And you can see black magic in business doesn't work. But white magic, it's all over business. “Our company, we have a real harmony here. We're all really so peaceful with each other.”

So, once you get through the bullshit underneath what you have is the 3rd Line theme of The Realist. Don’t you see the dichotomy between the 48 and the 11, these Gates of magic? The 48 gives you this depth; yes, but incommunicado. And then you get the white magic, and it says, harmony, harmony, harmony; but you get the realist. Thematically it's all about the acknowledgement that the ideas—peace—are transitory: The internal renewal to maintain strength and alertness; and the realization that ideas come and go.

We need continuity out of the past. Ideas grow out of past experience. Ideas can be very powerful—think tanks, bull sessions—the kinds of things where you break down the hierarchy in a situation so that everybody is free to speak, one of those kinds of things in which you have an idea box, the suggestion box. This is the suggestion box in any company. I've done that and will never do that again. Put a suggestion box up, you get a lot of suggestions. You have to read them all. Most of them are sheer nonsense and some of them really piss you off.

Money Line 17 — Understanding

The 17th Gate is: The ancient law that those who wish to rule must know how to serve—”I worked my way up through the factory to the top. Let me tell you how you climb the ladder, so you can be certain, too.”

The whole thing about certainty when you're dealing with the logical certainty program is that you end up with teachers and followers. I'm a 62, not a 17. So, I sell you hierarchical certainties. Let me prove it to you so you can be certain. “Oh yeah, it works this way; right, we're certain now.”

The 3rd Line is Understanding: The awareness that the best road is not necessarily the most interesting. God, what a Line. You read that and you go, oh really? It's like never being allowed to drive in the cities, but only being allowed to drive around the outside, the worst part. It's not very interesting; however, it's the best road.

This a Plutonic Line: The following of the best road provides the experience necessary to meet the challenge of the road's end. Now, if you take shortcuts you get there quicker but you miss certain experiences. We have two kinds of teaching of certainty. We have the original Human Design educational program that took place in 30 minutes, this is the quick route. And then we have the long extended route. We have the seven, eight and nine year warriors who are on the long program of gaining certainty. Certainty is about training people, educating them.

So, remember something about the educational stream. If you're in the education business—we're all in the education business—we always have a binary to sell. That's what I've been selling. I sell the quick hit. You're a Generator; make decisions in response. That's the quick hit. This is the shortcut. Certain things are missing, we know that, but the end result is that if they pay attention to that we've achieved our goal.

The other is the long route to get to a place where we have seven year experience professionals and so forth and so. It's always very important to understand that that is the basic way in which we are receptive to education. There is the part of us that wants the quick hit. The dummy books, the Microsoft dummy books are an enormous success. Because everybody wants to dumb it down, make it simple for me to get it quickly. That's one side.

The other side is: Don't make it simple for me. Give me as much as I can digest. Give me everything that I can have. Let me ponder the universe. Pile on the books for me. There are people who come to courses that if they don't walk away with books like this they're really upset, saying that they’re not being educated. It's like when you go into your first literature class in university and you have a reading list that has 870 books, you go out and say, “I've got a heavy course this year. We're going to go deep; we're going to go really deep.” And there is somebody else reading the comic book version.

So, one of the things to understand about the marketing of education is that you've got two ways in which it goes. Of course, you have scams in both. Let's not forget that. There’s the get-rich quick stuff that's mostly a scam and the long-term educational stuff. Who in the world has been studying to be a Rosicrucian for 12 years? It's like there is a lot of long-term stuff that just makes you look weirder. Have you ever seen these Druids that hang out at Stonehenge at the equinox or the solstices? They're funny looking people. They get really weird after a while.

Profit Center — Splenic — Selling Health and Well-being

The Splenic Center is very important in terms of the so-called healing profession. About 47% of humanity is holding on to things that are not good for them. So the market here is about getting people to move away from holding on to things that are bad for them. This takes us into not only the health field, but it takes us into all kinds of areas where the helping profession is marketable.

Money Line 32 — Lack of Continuity

The 32nd Gate, the Gate of failure, the fear of failure: The only thing which endures is change. That's one of those great headings for a hexagram. One of the great truths is that the only thing that endures is change.

Remember this is Tribal. It's a great lesson for the Tribe that the Tribe must mature, that it must transform, that it must go through changes in order to endure. And if the Tribe doesn’t go through changes, it will not endure. It’s one of the basic premises, because it’s deeply material—it’s Tribal—this is the capitalist side of Tribal materialism. The 32nd Gate is the personnel manager. It’s the one that assesses value. It’s the one that assesses value in people, and it’s able to recognize talent within the Tribe, nurture skills within the Tribe, provide it with home grown industries from which the Tribe and the community will benefit. All of that is in the 32.

But it's a fear of failure, and this fear of failure is overwhelming. It’s not just a fear of failure on the mundane plane in the business application that we are looking at here, but it’s the fear of failure in a life, of the species. It goes all the way down where you can find every single layer of it.

The 3rd Line is: Lack of continuity. Through the 32nd Gate you sell people anything that will help them get over their fear of failure. And we all know that there are a zillion things that you can sell people to help them to get over their fear of failure. You can sell them drugs; you can sell them just about anything to try and help them get over their fears.

Indecision and persistent reevaluation, that only because of its basic intelligence manages to endure. Indecision in times of transformation. This is one of the basic dilemmas in business. Any kind of enterprise is structured theoretically, and yet we know that life is not like that. No matter how good your formula is, you are going to meet bumps in the road and changing times. It’s great that you’ve just built a hotel on the banks of the Tigris, and all of a sudden it gets bombed; it's like, well, you know, bad timing.

One of the things to recognize is that every single enterprise has to deal with the fact that failure is guaranteed if there is no continuity. It’s just guaranteed. In the age of mergers and acquisitions, which is fortunately mostly over, it was a disaster. Unless you have a very clean line of continuity, unless there is true sense of support in the Tribal sense that allows continuity, the company’s name disappears.

If you have a 30-year old company with its own culture, its own movement, its own continuity, its tribal roots in the company town, and the ABC Globalization Conglomerate buys it and shoves it in some deep back pocket, slowly but surely you have deterioration in that because there is a death that takes place rather than a continuity.

One of the basic things to recognize—now, I’m simplifying these things—but I want you to grasp that the essence of making money is that it’s a living process. It’s not a stagnant process; it’s a living interaction. It’s an energy field, an energy prana. Things change, circumstances change.

This is all about change. A business cycle is a seven-year cycle. And every viable enterprise, whether it’s a one-person entrepreneurial or it’s a vast corporate enterprise, has to go through transformation every seven years or fail. Of course, we have all kinds of merchants that will sell you what to do. But the real thing is how well are you trained to be aware in your process.

The moment that you have correctness out of the Projector, which is the skill to ask rather than the conditioning to demand or to tell, is the moment in which we begin to have a way in which all enterprise should be guided, because enterprise needs to be guided.

It’s there in all of the basic fears that we have. It’s there in almost all of the places that I go to in this whole mapping of the material plane. It's to recognize that guidance is essential. Whether that guidance is how you take in your openness to the outside, to the environment, to the changes, how well you are attuned to your own product, your own service, your own world, all of those things taken into consideration, but guidance is important because it's not stable. You can’t trust the business formula. You can follow it to the very best of your ability, but you can’t trust it because you know that life is going to get in the way.

Money Line 44 — Interference

The 44th Gate is: The success of any interaction is based on the absence of any preconditions. However, the theme is Interference. Funny how life works. No precondition, but the theme is interference. It looks like that there are no preconditions. It's like lovers meeting; it looks like there are no preconditions, but there are always pre-conditions. They're not just clearly stated or written out, but they are there.

The 44.3 is Interference: The failure to interact based on circumstances. The ability to recognize the threat of interference and to prepare for its effects. The alertness and instinct to handle the ego of others. This is the greatest Gate of manipulation. One of the things to understand about being able to derive the best out of the Ego/(Heart Center) is that it has to be manipulated. If you don’t manipulate the Ego, it will not respond. The Ego needs that. If the 37 wants to manipulate the Ego, it has to provide affection.

If the 44 wants to manipulate the Ego, it has to provide the massage. The 44 is always there to massage the Ego. “Oh, you are wonderful. You had a great week; you did a great job,” because otherwise the Ego won’t give you its willpower. After all, it is not intelligent. And will is something that just doesn't go woosh and arrives; it’s drawn out. The Ego is lazy. Basically it likes to rest much more than it likes effort. So, it needs to be drawn out.

One of the things to understand about the 44 is that the 44 is always interfering. And interfering in a positive sense—you can see interference as negative—interfering in the sense that it’s trying to get the very best out of the Ego. The 44 has very deep fears. It’s the fear of the past. So, it's holding on to things from the past. This is directly out of the progression from the 32. In the 32 you see that the only way to transcend failure is you have to know how to adapt. The 50th Gate tells you that you have to learn adaptability. They are all saying the same thing. But the 44 actually has to make the Ego adapt. It has to teach the Ego how to adapt.

If the Tribe can’t get to the Ego, they can’t have their success. And the fear is that the clan will dissolve, that the genetic pool will disappear. And of course, the genes don’t like that, after all. There is a great deal of projection caught up in the 44, because the 44 is always trying to figure out what somebody can be based on inflating their Ego, what Egos can be inflated and how far to inflate them in order to control them. So, this is really “the hand.”

One of the things that keeps tribal business, clan business, healthy is that there must be managers all the time, that the forces must be managed, that the Ego dynamic must be managed, must be manipulated, cajoled, motivated, all of these things in order to avoid the fear of clan collapse, that the business will fail.

Profit Center — Root — Selling Freedom from Pressure

With the Root Center, we’ve got 42% of humanity undefined. The open Root is in a hurry to get rid of the pressure. What people with undefined Roots are looking for is the ability to do things as quickly as possible in order to free up time. This is the selling point, to show them how to be free of pressure and realize their dreams.

This is a motor, and it’s a very powerful motor. It’s the adrenal system. It is stress. Everything about the major achievement of selling out of the Root Center is you’re going to alleviate stress.

When you look at the Gates of the Root Center, you’re looking at the basic material pressures of life. You’re looking at the pressure to inspire, the pressure to develop the strategies, the pressure to find the pleasure and the resources. You’re looking at the pressure to satisfy the customer and maintain the viability of the enterprise. This is the pressure, and it’s always there.

Money Line 58 — Electricity

The individual whose electric vitality creates its own stimulation and is not dependent on others. The energy to fuel independent stimulation.

It’s important to understand that it is the development of Collective strategies that we find in the 58 that tends to be what we get in our democratic societies. In other words, these are Collective strategies for dealing with problems within our society.

If we’re dealing with the Collective strategy, one of the things to recognize about a pressure Gate is that the way you make money is to get people to recognize that you’re going to put them under pressure to find a Collective strategy for survival. In other words, you pressure them into the recognition that they need a strategy, and often, that’s educational.

All hexagrams are explained through their 1st Line. The 58th Gate is The Joyous, and the 58.1 is one of the most beautiful Lines. It’s the ‘Love of Life’. One of the things to understand about this electric vitality is that the only way to be able to work a Collective strategy is that you can only sell a Collective strategy by being electrically vital.

Profit Center — Sacral — Selling When and How to Quit

Around 34% of humanity has an open Sacral Center. And we know that the not-self strategy of the open Sacral is not knowing when enough is enough. That is the market to sell strategies for how not to spend one’s energy.

Money Line 14 — Service

The 14th Gate, for me, carries with it the whole image, the whole root in ancient Chinese philosophy of the material way. Even when you read the traditional I’Ching, you meet the symbolism of poverty and wealth, the transition of poverty to wealth. The symbol of the wagon, that the wagon can be full, that there can be great abundance within the wagon. The wagon can be empty; there can be great suffering in the emptiness of the wagon.

The 14th Gate is the energy to fill the wagon, literally. It is the deepest font of our material vision and direction. It is the source of the Penta’s dream. This is something very extraordinary in the 14th Gate. It says: The accumulation—this is the keynote for the whole hexagram—and retention of power—and wealth—through skilled interaction, coupling grace with control.

In the 14th Gate, in the ultimate service of the common good, there is extraordinary grace that comes with power. This is the vision of all of us sharing in the bounty of this planet. Again, not sharing in the bounty of this planet as equals but sharing in the bounty of this planet as unique individuals who have a right to the resources they deserve.

In the 14th Gate, 3rd Line, you see the true value that must be brought by anything new. If it doesn’t bring this value, it can never succeed as a mutation. And this value is Service. This is the great Line of Service: The utilization of talent and wealth for the highest good. Selfless contribution to society. The key to power lies in selfless contribution to others.

When you bring something new into the world, you’re not here to bring it in for direct material benefit. You bring it out of love, it’s a passion; that’s the selflessness. You do it for the love of it. When you dedicate your talent and wealth to something, you get your reward through your love of it, and only then. And I’m speaking of the new. You don’t have to love the way you make money collectively, or tribally. But you must love the way you make money when you’re bringing mutation into the world. You must love it for itself. The utilization of talent and wealth for the highest good.

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