Type, Strategy and Authority

Type: Projector

An overview of your Type

Of the four Types, you are a Projector. Projectors are around 21% of the population. As a Projector, your purpose is to guide others once you are recognized for your skills. Being a guide can take many forms, from leading a volunteer group to being an advisor to a company. Projectors have the capacity to see the big picture; they can recognize the potential in others and know how to bring people together in order to advance any given project. As you gain experience, you develop the ability to see clearly what others need to maximize their potential and fulfill their goals, and how they can realize their objectives in the most efficient way.

What you are looking for is to be given the opportunity to guide and advise; because of your natural openness and ability to understand the needs and expectations of others, you can help advance this process by asking the right questions. Projectors also have a capacity to organize and be networkers, and can therefore easily step into the role of advisor and administrator.

To be fulfilled and find success, Projectors need to bring their insight and expertise to provide support and guidance to others, and to be recognized for what they do. You may have spent much of your life feeling anxious about receiving that recognition, and whether others notice your skills. You may have acted on that anxiety, and found yourself in situations, experiences, or relationships that were not correct for you. Because you long for recognition, you try to meet the expectations of others and end up compromising your power. The result of this anxiety and the actions you take as a result can be experiences that lead to disappointment and bitterness, rather than success. Understanding the Projector’s Strategy, which is discussed in the next section, will help you reconcile your struggle between acting in order to be recognized and seeking fulfillment and success.

Non-Energy Type

Projectors are referred to as a non-energy Type because they have no consistent, reliable means of generating energy. This leads them to gain experiential wisdom for how to use energy in a way that maximizes productivity and available resources; in turn, they can apply this knowledge to support energy Types (Generators and Manifestors) in realizing their goals, as they can assess how their potential is best utilized.

How can you make the most of these skills? First, as a Projector, you must understand the effect you have on others. Some welcome your insight and ability to offer guidance — others do not. Understanding what you are called to do in life and how others perceive you will help you understand why the recommended approaches to Strategy and Authority are the key to your success. Your guide to living in accordance with your Strategy and Authority is explained in the sections that follow.

Strategy: Wait for the Invitation

The importance of Strategy in Human Design

Each of the four Types has a particular Strategy for approaching the world. Understanding and using the Strategy associated with your Type opens the way to a more fulfilling life. We all have been conditioned by our early environment and culture to see ourselves in ways that aren’t necessarily true to who we are, or to go about things in ways that aren't correct for us. Learning to use our Strategy effectively eliminates that conditioning and reveals our true nature, and how we can live a more authentic life.

An overview of your Strategy

Your Strategy as a Projector is simple: Wait for the Invitation.

Though you may clearly see where your guidance is needed and how you can best support others, to be successful you cannot offer your advice and insight. The Projector is most successful when they wait for others to recognize their skills and empower their potential to guide by asking for support, and the invitation gives you that opportunity.

Because Projectors need to be recognized, you may have been conditioned to think you need to draw attention to yourself. But if you initiate the roles you take on, rather than waiting for the invitation, you’ll find yourself stepping in as a guide in roles that aren’t right for you. When your expertise isn’t acknowledged, it can lead to feelings of bitterness, and bitterness is the main quality of a Projector who’s life doesn’t bring them fulfillment. Remember that the right opportunities for you are the ones others invite you into. Once you begin to experiment with this Strategy, over time you will also learn when to decline invitations if they are not right for you.

Experimenting with your Strategy

The idea of waiting to be invited to take action is likely a new concept for you. But it also means there are many ways in which waiting to be invited before you engage can bring welcome change to your life and outlook.

In your everyday life, invitations are signposts that facilitate your process of navigating this life. Friends who invite you to attend an event or a gathering may lead you to meet the right people who are essential for your next step on the journey. Or these events may turn out to simply be pleasant encounters that nevertheless carry a recognition from others who notice your gifts. And if an invitation isn’t forthcoming, it just means that person or that event wasn’t meant to be at the center of your life.

As you experiment with your Strategy over time, your experience with it will make these opportunities and recognitions easier to discern. So begin to experiment with your approach to invitations, and notice how things change for you when you’re following the Strategy that is right for you.

Authority: Emotional Authority

The Importance of Inner Authority in Human Design

So much of life is about making the right decisions. It’s stressful when we aren’t sure if our approach to decision-making is the right one. Most of us were taught to make decisions by using our mind and you may have found that approach doesn’t always work well.

Human Design teaches that we are all born with an Inner Authority. For each person, their Inner Authority reveals one of the most important things in life: how they can best make decisions as the unique individual they are.

An Overview of your Inner Authority

Your BodyGraph shows you have a defined Solar Plexus and therefore possess Emotional Authority. That means your guide in life is found in experiencing a range of emotions before finding clarity about any particular issue or situation.

Emotional Authority asks that you rely on your emotions, and to be patient and wait out your emotional wave before making a decision. This may surprise you as Western culture often urges us to set emotions aside, but for you, emotions are a reliable guide. Those with Emotional Authority can go through a wide array of feelings about any subject over a period of days or even weeks.

All your feelings, whether they are pleasant or difficult to process, inform your decisions, as long as you hold off making decisions until you’ve experienced the full array of your feelings and find clarity.

Experimenting with Emotional Authority

Despite what you have been taught throughout your life, the mind is not equipped to make decisions. Though it is an extraordinary tool for analyzing, assessing, reflecting and creating, it can only ponder decisions, working out the pros and cons. In addition, the mind has been conditioned by various outside forces, each of which is clouding your judgment, making it difficult to know which choice to make.

As a being with Emotional Authority, your emotions move consistently within you – from the highs of hope and joy to the lows of pain and sadness. Because your emotions follow this wave-like pattern, you need to wait out the ups and downs of your feelings about a particular situation or whether to accept an invitation before you can reach clarity about what to do.

If you wait out your emotional wave, you will discover that your emotions provide you with great depth about any decision, enabling you to see and feel things from different perspectives. So it’s vital to embrace your emotions over time and allow wisdom and answers to arise slowly from within, rather than making impulsive decisions in the moment.

Wait for the invitation, then wait for clarity!

By combining your Strategy and your emotional approach to Inner Authority, you have the template for making decisions in a way that’s natural to you, and that guides you to the most fulfilling and successful path. The Strategy of the Projector is to wait for recognition and the invitation. Then your Emotional Authority asks that you give yourself time to run through all the emotions it brings up so you can evaluate each emotion, and finally make your decision.

Given that your emotions take time to express themselves, your motto is “There is no truth in the Now.” This is because at any moment, you are experiencing life from a particular point in your emotional “wave,” rather than seeing the situation from the full spectrum of your emotions. If you do not give yourself time to move through the wave of emotions, you are likely to jump into things that may not be correct for you while on the high end of your wave, and you are just as likely to turn down opportunities and invitations that may be good for you when you’re feeling low.

It can also be challenging for Projectors as they can get hooked into the energy field of others, which adds to the confusion. It is therefore crucial to be patient and let your emotions express themselves before making a decision. While at times this might take just a day or two to think things over, at others you may need to wait and discuss things to find clarity, especially if facing a major decision.

This is probably a new approach for you, but consider times you’ve acted spontaneously and ended up experiencing regret. If you’ve been taught it’s not acceptable to keep people waiting, let that go as conditioning that isn’t helpful to you. The people who are meant to be in your life will be willing to wait for you to reach clarity.

As you experiment with your Strategy and Inner Authority, you set out on an insightful journey of discovery. You begin to align yourself with who you are and how to move through the world in ways that can bring you fulfillment and success.

Aura: Focused

Meeting your needs as a Projector

Human Design tells each Type what they need to be fully functional and fulfilled, and navigate life with more ease. As a Projector, your needs are best served through education and adequate rest.

Expertise through education

As a Projector you are here to master systems, and this means that one of the most important things for your development is education. It is through proper education that you are able to fulfill your purpose and achieve success. For others to recognize you as a guide, you need to master an area of expertise, in whatever area you feel called to. Projectors also need to develop an understanding of how individuals and groups work together more efficiently, and will benefit from studying systems that offer tools to expand their skill set and improve their competency.

Adequate rest

Another thing that’s crucial to the Projector’s well-being is rest. As a Projector you don't have a built in potential for generating because you don’t have consistent access to energy resources. Have you experienced that feeling of getting pumped up when you’re surrounded by others? That’s your aura taking in their energetic frequency, or buzz. Once you’ve taken energy in from others it takes time for it to leave your body so you can unwind. The same is true for a project you take on, or any kind of work you immerse yourself in. Make sure you don't spend yourself to the point of exhaustion; pay attention and when you reach your limit, it’s time to withdraw.

For optimal rest, it’s best to give yourself time to relax before you go to sleep. It’s not healthy for you to go to bed exhausted and wired from being with others. Instead, create a space you can retreat to for a period of time in order to release the auric energies you have absorbed from others throughout the day. And if possible, try to sleep in your own aura — alone — as often as possible so that your body can truly relax and cleanse itself of excess energy without taking in the energy of someone else. This way, you will feel recharged when you awake the next day.

Understanding the Focused Projector Aura

Something else to understand about being a Projector is how your aura works. The Projector has a probing and focused aura and because of their openness, they can take in the energies and expectations of others. They are therefore at their best when one-on-one with another human being. It is because of their openness that they can see the potential in others, and can be a great ally to those who welcome this gift. But this can also make others uncomfortable, which is why it’s so important to wait to be recognized; the invitation lets you know that the other is allowing you to see them, and offers you access to reliable energy resources that allow you to accomplish your tasks.

Your Not-Self Strategies

Your mind urges you to engage with your Not-Self Strategies — this can be a desire to make spontaneous decisions, or trying to initiate action to prove yourself, and not recognizing when you overextend yourself physically. (More on this in Conditioning.)

If you think back on your life, you may begin to recognize that these are recurring themes. Others will have sensed your need to be seen and recognized and may have perceived it as demanding or needy, which caused resistance. You might also notice that these tendencies cloud your judgment, and that when you have made decisions based on these strategies, you often experienced negative results.

Putting it all together

As you experiment with your Strategy and Inner Authority, you set out on an insightful journey of discovery. You are aware that education and adequate rest are keys for you, and that taking as much time as you need to process your emotional waves is crucial for you to make the right decision. In understanding that you have a focused aura, you are aware that your ability to ‘see’ others can be overwhelming and that waiting for the invitation will let you know others welcome that insight. Finally, you understand the importance of disengaging from conditioned strategies that are not correct for you: mainly, initiating action to guide others and receive recognition, without having been invited into the process. With this insight to guide you, you are ready to align yourself with who you are, and move through the world in ways that bring you fulfillment and well being.

Last updated

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