
Perspective Variable — How You View Life Uniquely

Seeing life from a unique perspective

Your path in life provides the journey designed for you to experience life as yourself. It also allows you to realize your purpose. Your perspective develops your awareness of how you uniquely see life experiences. It is how you gain wisdom. How you “see” becomes the basis for conceptualization—your specific thought process and how you express it.

Through self-observation, experimentation with your perspective provides a conscious experience of how you see and mentally translate life experiences. It also gives you signposts to notice when you get lost in your thoughts and do not see, and how you become caught up in looking for what you think you want.

Perspective promises to awaken you to the passenger experience within, through the daily practice of observing how you go about translating your experiences. You can notice the interpretation your mind pays attention to and recognize the shift from observation to conditioned identification with the mind’s story.


The alignment with your perspective takes place through resonance with the Color specific to your Design. In the Personality, Color is never stable. If it were, everyone would see life the same way. Due to this instability, however, Color carries the potential to transfer in a distorted way to the harmonic Color. In perspective, this transference is called distraction, as it distracts your attention away from your perspective.

It is essential to recognize that your viewpoint will never be stable; it will never become fixed only to your perspective. It is designed to float freely between your distraction and perspective. The dilemma of conditioned thoughts, behaviors, and actions can stem from the mind’s fixation on your distraction.

The challenge is the mind itself. Designed to measure and compare this-and-that endlessly, its very skill is its instability. The dilemma comes in when the mind arrives at a summation that it becomes fixed upon. It becomes a fixed interpretation that provides the fundamental trigger for mental conditioning through internal stories, actions, or behaviors.

The capacity for observing the distraction leads you to recognize who you are not. You can be aware of your mind’s tendency to become caught, triggered into conditioned patterns of interpreting what you see. There is a direct link between a fixation on the distraction to not-self conditioned thoughts, words, or behaviors.

When you observe your mind running its story about what is being seen or has been seen, and what you need to do to stop it or take advantage of it, who is noticing? At that moment of awareness, you meet your passenger, the witness.


It takes dedication. The daily practice of experimenting with your perspective variable develops your awareness of your mind’s specific way of translating what it sees. When you are grounded in your body’s authority to guide your life, the mind has the attention capacity to begin to observe your life. Out of that observation of the present, of what experience is taking place for your body, arises your unique interpretation of that experience. To arrive at that interpretation, observation is the bridge; seeing is the key to unlocking your capacity for self-awareness.

Gradually, you may notice that your viewpoint naturally flows between your perspective and your distraction with practice. Your experience of observing your perspective is not what your mind thinks it should be, nor what you may think this practice will do for you. Your perspective variable provides your process of discovering how you observe your real-time experiences and your inner experience of passenger consciousness. You begin to pay attention to what is essential for you to see to awaken.

Perspective Colors

These are general descriptions of perspective color. Color is a frequency that operates within a range, a spectrum of viewpoints. Color provides how we see from our perspective to become aware of how we uniquely see within and without. The specific experience for you will be unique. Your individual experience of how you see is only found through dedication, experimentation, and self-observation.

Your Perspective: Possibility | Color 2

You see possibilities everywhere. You may see the entire range of all that is possible or see all the options in a specific aspect of life. This is seeing the beliefs, hopes, and fears of hopelessness about what’s coming next. Here is the catalyst for seeing possibilities in everything and everyone.

With the perspective of possibility, you become distracted by seeing your mind’s probabilities. Instead of seeing what is possible, you become caught up, looking for the probable outcome. By attempting to secure the perceived probable outcome for yourself, your mind acts on the distraction, which reinforces your worry or manipulation of others to avoid your fears of hopelessness or get what the mind thinks you must have.

With the distraction of probability, the mind can be triggered into conditioning patterns such as mental stories of putting the possibility into action or behaviors to keep your fears about hopelessness at bay. You become distracted by fears of missing out on a probability or what you think you want or desire to have to happen, for you not to fear what’s undoubtedly on the way. It is essential to recognize that your decisions arise from your strategy and Inner Authority, not the mind’s interpretation of what it sees.

You are here to learn that your perspective is for others when asked for, and it is correct from your Inner Authority for you to share. Your ability to see the realm of possibilities and become aware of how seeing what is possible within and without becomes the basis for your expression of Outer Authority. Your ability to see your distraction of probability and how your mind has interpreted it through your conditioning becomes the basis of your wisdom. It is how you are designed to see life within and without on your specific path.

While you practice noticing your perspective and distraction, you may begin to recognize when seeing floats freely, like a seesaw, between possibility and your mind’s distraction of probability. While you observe how you see, who is noticing?

Right-Oriented Perspectives

People with Right-oriented perspectives have a diffused peripheral viewpoint that can be of value to others. You can be distracted by using what you see for your own life. There is no awareness in the distraction, only the potential to be aware of it.

Example: People who see possibilities everywhere – in people, relationships, ideas, dreams. They see endless possibilities but become distracted by trying to make a specific possibility into a probable or concrete outcome for themselves.

With practice, through your diffused sense of when the mind shifts away from your perspective, you develop your ability for self-observation. Seeing becomes fluid, and conditioning triggers are identified. There is inner space to be aware of the passenger.

Your Perspective: Right-Oriented Peripheral Possibility

Your seeing is designed to absorb data your eyes see in a vast and diffused way. You take in passively, without a specific focus. You indirectly see a broad spectrum of possibilities without any hierarchy of importance. It is essential to recognize that you need to be present to your experience to take in everything about the realm of all possibilities. Your peripheral perspective can indirectly take in a wide variety of possibilities across all walks of life, personal, collective, and tribal, within a wide range of experiences.

Your distraction of probability can take you away from your perspective. By noticing your distraction and how the mind goes about directing your life to get beyond your fears of hopelessness, you build your wisdom.

All individuals with peripheral perspectives are passively engaged in seeing. You are sensitive to a meditative or felt sense of the variety of ways possibilities are seen, with a deep acceptance of what is. Seeing is occurring, but with an inability to access what you are seeing until it is asked for by others.

The awareness potential is to meet your passenger. To recognize that your seeing is not for the mind to use to run your life, but rather to enjoy the experience of seeing from your unique viewpoint. While you observe your possibility perspective and your probability distraction, and you recognize how your seeing floats freely between the two, you can experience your awareness of passenger consciousness.

Example 2nd Color - Right Oriented Peripheral Possibility Perspective

You enjoy watching football with your friends. While watching the game, you are relaxed and see the game within the context of your living room, your friends, amid the larger context of living in a world with unlimited possibilities of what is possible.

Example Probability Distraction

As you watch the commercials stream by, you reflect on everywhere you look; you see ads for more digital commerce and how the possibilities seem endless. You feel hopeful that if you do something about it, you will have a happy future, and so you will start a crypto trading account and invest your 401k.

Awareness Practice

While you observe your perspective of possibility and your probability distraction, who is noticing?

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