Dietary Regimen

Dietary Regimen Variable — Nourish Your Body & Brain

Brain Function | Diet | Digestion

The wellbeing of the body and enhanced brain function

This variable displays the way your brain takes in and uniquely processes life, and it determines the internal wellbeing of the body. The PHS (Primary Health System) Dietary Regimen, which describes the optimal absorption of nourishment, supports your particular brain function. This regimen is not only for the proper digestion of food, but assimilation of experience by the brain as well.

The PHS Dietary Regimen improves the internal wellbeing of the body, and most importantly, enhances the brain. The brain’s processing and memory function are direct results of how the brain assimilates life through an active focus, or passive absorption.

The body and the brain stabilize our unique awareness potential through the daily practice of Strategy, Inner Authority, and how we take in and assimilate nourishment. This is the foundation for the eventual maturation of our consciousness.

Please be advised that the following information is presented for educational purposes only. Any decision to make changes in your diet or lifestyle is best made by following your Strategy and Authority, and under the guidance of a health care professional of your choice.

Conditions or Circumstances

The Dietary Regimen is a process of inner alignment for the body. If the body is aligned correctly, the intelligence of the body gets to the surface, and brain function is enhanced. This process is not about following a specific diet — it has to do with digestion, and the circumstances or conditions upon which it is best for you to eat.

Your Regimen is a Circumstances: Regimens of Circumstances are modern adaptations since 1781, how our digestion and brain capacity is evolving towards the future. A regimen of Circumstance modulates the frequencies in the space where digestion takes place: the energetics, the sound frequencies, or the light.

Your regimen is how you uniquely digest food and experiences. Remember, what you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat are inner Authority decisions. Regardless of whether your regimen is one of conditions or circumstances, all regimens have equal potential for optimal and differentiated brain function, and wellbeing.

Your Regimen Group: Sound | Color 5 — High or Low

The sound regimen is based on sensitivity to sound for the effective digestion of food and experiences. Effective assimilation depends upon high or low-frequency vibration, depending upon the orientation of the brain function. Sound regimens can be a sensitivity to sound or frequencies in the air around you, and also a sensitivity to the volume of sounds. For you, this process of listening to a specific sound volume, or sensing the vibrations around you supports your body's metabolism and the absorption of nutrients, and can enhance your brain function.

A sound regimen is sensitive and specific, but there is a broad spectrum of sounds and vibrations within the range of high or low. Experimentation with a wide range of sound frequencies and volume is essential to discover what is just right for you as an individual.

For example, high sound digestion may require a noisy room where you eat with lots of conversation, or high pitched music. Low sound digestion may require being in a place where you are silent, where there is the murmur of quiet voices or low-pitched music. Over time, your experience with sensitivity to frequency vibrations will allow you to recognize how the frequencies of a room affect your body in a way that feels correct.

Beginning a sound regimen is an inner authority decision. Experimenters with the sound regimen may need to experiment for a while to discover their correct frequency range and volume for sounds that feel correct. As children, they may have taught that the dinner table is a place for loud family discussions, or that meals should be filled with quiet music and no conversation when the opposite is their correct frequency.

Left or Right Orientation

High or Low Sound depends upon the variable orientation:

  • The left-oriented brain function is supported and enhanced by a high sound regimen.

  • The right-oriented brain function is supported and enhanced by a low sound regimen.

Learn about your orientation in the next section.

Your Dietary Regimen: Low Sound | Right-Oriented Brain

Low sound is a regimen that requires both lower volumes of sound, and potentially low frequencies of sound as well. Low-frequency sounds are in the lower range of our hearing as humans; sounds like bass, cello, drums, and lower-pitched voices may be in your range for sound in the surrounding space. People with this regimen need low sound circumstances for proper digestion, therefore you should avoid high sound frequencies such as EMF, or high-frequency motors during digestion.

You will need to experiment to discover what sounds feel correct, what sounds you enjoy. Your experience of low sound frequency is an individual process of experimentation. There can be a broad spectrum of low sounds in a space where you are silent, and where there is low volume music or diffused conversation. You may discover that you prefer to have some relaxing sounds in your space all the time, or you may find that moving in and out of low sound spaces feels correct for you. You may discover that you prefer certain music at a particular volume in your living area at all times, or that at times you prefer silence within and without.

The challenge with the low sound regimen is that there may be internalized rules about talking while eating. The greatest challenge is recognizing that if you are talking, you may not be digesting properly. You may have been taught as a child to speak at meals, and that it is impolite just to eat. You'll need to experiment to discover if you can tolerate certain people's voices or their frequency vibe while you are eating. Earplugs may help, also headphones with low volume, and low sound playlist may enhance social eating. You may find it challenging to eat around people in general and prefer eating at home alone.

Noticing how you feel with music or sound during digestion can be a useful first experiment. How much sound is comfortable for my body? Is there music that feels comfortable? Are there sounds that feel nervous or uncomfortable to the body? How do I feel after eating a meal in silence? Or being in a space where I’m silent, but others around me are conversing? You may discover that different volumes and quality of sounds may feel correct to you depending upon who you are with, and where you are. See if you can find out what frequencies your body vibes with, and what voices or sounds feel correct.

Example: You enjoy socializing with your family or friends, but much of the time, you find that you are too nervous or tense to eat silently with them. You can experiment with eating before you meet them, or you can get your food to go and eat at home afterward. It can be liberating to go out with friends and enjoy the conversation without the pressure to eat. You can try social eating while wearing earplugs, and letting others know that you are experimenting with improving your digestion and that you won't be talking while you are eating. Recognize how eating with or without social conversation, and low sound frequencies change the experience for you.

All low sound regimens support passive brain function. Your brain is not designed to focus; having the correct sound frequencies at the proper volume can help you to be present to your experience. Learning to be present while you observe your sensitivity to sounds and vibrations of people and places, is critical to your process. Practice having the correct sound frequencies in the space. At the same time, being silent while you eat, begin to notice your inner experience of frequencies and vibrations and how they impact your experience of being present. Can you extend this recognition to other areas of your life? Conversations? Work? Exercise? Entertainment?

Passive Brain | Right-Oriented Brain Function

Right-oriented brains function passively through an absorbing metabolism of food and assimilation of experience into memory. Passive brains require a receptive, and absorbing sense of presence without focus.

This type of brain operates best when we let go of the pressure to focus; it absorbs vast amounts of data and experience without a purpose, or expectation of result. It requires us to be present to the experience, not lost in thinking. Daily practice of the PHS dietary regimen is essential for proper brain function.

The challenge for individuals with right-oriented brains is that the vast amount of data they store is not for themselves, but made available to others. When they try to remember things for themselves, they can draw a blank. This can lead to a sense of insecurity, and they may compensate by trying to be strategic and focused.

Example: People who take a class and can’t remember any details but once they are asked about their experience, all kinds of surprising information emerges. They may recall the class information, but also non-linear, felt-sense impressions such as the mood of the room, the tone of voice, the way the chair felt, or how the light came through the window.

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