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1988-12-16 · 3:14pm · Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States
This is the planetary imprint 88° of the Sun (88-89 days) before birth and is coded in red in the BodyGraph. The Design represents the nature of your unconscious. It stands for your bio-genetic inheritance, the themes of your ancestors that influence you unconsciously. While others will recognize these themes within you, you will learn to recognize your unconscious over time.
Gate 6 — Conflict — The Gate of Friction
The fundamental design component of progress. The law that growth cannot exist without friction.
This gate determines if emotional intimacy happens or not. Its function is to control the flow of emotions from the solar plexus, and you are either open or closed to intimacy. Here we deal with moods, sensitivity, and feelings, and you naturally create the friction necessary to engage in intimacy.
This is a mechanic that operates when you are in someone else's aura, not something you consciously or intentionally do. It creates the heat necessary for intimacy and possibly reproduction. Your body either opens or closes depending on whether there is a resonance to the other. In this way, you naturally preserve a boundary between your body and the outside world. There is also a fear of intimacy associated with this gate, and generally it needs gate 59 to break down barriers to intimacy.
Gate 36 — The Darkening of the Light — The Gate of Crisis
The rule of cycles in which decline is a natural but not enduring stage.
You are here to have profound and intense emotional/sexual experiences through which to mature. This process is about confronting inherent fears and vulnerabilities to grow through emotionally challenging experiences.
You crave experiences that trigger release of a deep reservoir of feelings and emotions. This can take you through cycles of extreme highs and lows; to experience crisis is inevitably part of the process that ultimately leads to change and transformation. This is a deeply challenging journey and your intensity can be stimulating but also easily overwhelm others.
Over time, as you find emotional clarity through surrender to the inevitable ups and downs, you develop the maturity to handle crisis and learn from it rather than being overwhelmed by it. This takes you to discover your own emotional depth and truth.
Gate 58 — The Joyous — The Gate of Vitality
Stimulation is the key to joy.
You have a zest for life, and derive great joy and pleasure from being alive and in this world. Your appreciation for the beauty and wonder of life drives you to contribute your energy toward improving any condition that keeps our society from experiencing well-being and satisfaction while we move into the future. You bring a vitality to life that is fundamental to your way of being in the world.
This gate carries the fuel to correct and to challenge, to provide the energy needed to ensure humanity’s safe progress. You provide the energy to challenge conditions and patterns that need to be improved, to adjust things that are out of balance. When your energy is focused and channeled in the right direction, you can contribute things of lasting value to the collective.
Gate 63 — After Completion — The Gate of Doubt
In the spiral of life, all ends are beginnings.
The doubt of Gate 63 is experienced as the need to question those things one does not feel secure about, from the mundane to life’s bigger questions. There is always a risk when focusing this doubt on your life and choices as it is more naturally designed to be an outer authority; in other words, it is a tool for others and the world around you.
You have the ability to ‘see’ patterns and will naturally question a pattern if you see that it is inherently weak or inconsistent, and look for a workable solution—or another pattern. You are focused on the future, and therefore looking for logical answers that can be validated and relied upon to provide security in the future. If there are no logical answers to your questions, you will experience this as doubt in the form of consistent pressure until there is an adequate solution.
Here we find the root of scientific discovery, looking to test and validate a pattern to move securely into the future: a skeptical mind with a focus on the future, pressured to find those patterns that hold up to the scrutiny of the logical mind.
Gate 64 — Before Completion — The Gate of Confusion
Transition, like birth, requires a determined strength for the passage through.
You are under constant mental pressure to make sense of the past. Your mind is imprinted with a consistent flow of data, a myriad of images generated through the memory of past experiences. Underlying this is no apparent order, and therefore confusion is part of your process. Your mind filters and sorts through these impressions in an attempt to connect the dots until an experience makes sense.
Remember not to feel overwhelmed by the confusion, but to see it as part of the natural process and a preamble to the clarity that will emerge later. The perspective is to let the process resolve in its own way and time, as any attempt to resolve the pressure can only lead to increased anxiety and confusion.
Gate 32 — Duration — The Gate of Continuity
All that endures is change.
You have an innate ability to recognize things that have lasting value in determining the material direction and continuity of your tribal community. You easily recognize those whose skills are valuable within the structure of the community, to ensure its continuity through a consistent process of change and transformation while maintaining aspects that offer stability.
There may be an inherent conflict within you regarding the need to combine progress with all its inherent risks with the need to maintain a secure, dependable status quo. Stay attuned to your instinctive sense that guides you through indecision so as to determine what has lasting value and what only hinders progress and can be safely discarded.
Gate 7 — The Army — The Role of the Self in Interaction
The point of convergence. By design, the need for leadership to guide and order society.
You are oriented towards the future and able to see the direction that humanity is taking, based on an understanding of the fundamental patterns of evolution. You can see where the pattern needs correction and how it can be fixed or modified.
The roles we play are hereditary and mechanical, and through your role and understanding of society's future direction you are able to influence and persuade others to follow your leadership, or can influence those in positions of authority. You may be influential in pointing the collective towards a new direction. This role is not necessarily public but is nevertheless influential, “the power behind the throne.”
Gate 17 — Following — The Gate of Opinion
The ancient law that those who wish to rule must know how to serve.
You look for answers to the doubts you experience, and to turn these answers into concepts and potential solutions. You need to understand how things work, and you can easily see how a particular pattern works.
As you look ahead into the future, the fears that naturally come up can only be abated through patterns and solutions that have been tested over time and can be relied on. Any answers you find at this point still need to be substantiated by facts and details, and can only be expressed as opinions.
With a connection to Gate 62 at the other end, concepts can be expressed and supported by facts and details. Without Gate 62, you can experience difficulties in finding the language to adequately express and communicate concepts. It’s important not to get fixated on opinions that cannot be substantiated by facts.
Gate 16 — Enthusiasm — The Gate of Skills
The great art of enriching life by the harmonic channelling of energy.
You are skilled in many ways but need to learn to master any specific skill through repetition. You need to be strongly identified with a skill to dedicate yourself to a process that requires constant repetition to perfect a pattern (e.g. learning to play a piece of music). Then your skill can become art: the dancer becomes the dance.
Without needing a particular skill, this talent can also manifest as an art for living. You may feel insecure about lacking in depth; this can be overcome through dedication and consistent effort toward mastering a specific skill and bringing it to flowering.
Gate 11 — Peace — The Gate of Ideas
A harmonic condition in the individual or society that permits assessment before renewed action.
This Gate is about exploring ideas, and the need to be stimulated through ideas that can be shared with others. You look to make sense of the past, and depending on the way you remember and process past experiences, you conceptualize ideas that can turn into ideals and the formation of belief systems.
Keep in mind that ideas come and go, and this process is about reflection and the possibility for inspiration. These ideas cannot be used as guidelines for your own life process; this can only lead to confusion and disappointment. Ideas are to be shared with others, to serve as inspiration for their own process.
Gate 44 — Coming to Meet — The Gate of Alertness
The success of any interaction is based on the absence of any preconditions.
You have an instinctive awareness of others’ capabilities. Here, we find the prototype of the Personnel manager who can naturally assess others’ skills and proficiencies and instinctively selects the right person for the job.
Your memory of the failure or success of past experiences contributes to an instinctive alertness concerning survival patterns. You are alert to the needs of our survival as a species, rooted in an instinctive memory of patterns that are successful and support our wellbeing and material protection. You transmit this awareness to others and thereby impact the material orientation of your community/environment.
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